
Thursday 19 June 2014

Botanical Gardens

 Botanical Gardens

On Tuesday the senior school went to the botanical gardens. The first activity we did was to go into the classroom. Everyone was excited just like I was. We went with Sally. Sally was one of the instructor at the botanical gardens.  We had to talk to the person beside us about what we have been learning at school about animals. We were talking about forests. We went to check out the forest. Ah my mouth dropped open as I was surprised. WoW!  Before we went to check out the forest we had to do some excersize. One of the excersize was called a canopy. Boom! Boom! I had goose bumps in my heart as I saw the water and crossing the bridge at the same time. We got handed out mirrors to see if what it would be like if we were in those trees. Aha! I nearly bumped into the tree and sliped. My partner was looking at me in a lugubrious way to get the mirror so I handed it to her like I never wanted to touch it again. I was so excited I ran and nearly slipped on one of the gargantuan rock. Sally was calling us to gather around in a circle and collect a leaf litter. We had to collect one fresh leaf, one brown leaf , and one skeleton or dead leaf.  We were all excited and busy looking for our leaf litter. It was pretty hard looking for the skeleton leave. It was like searching for Easter eggs in the dark bushes. We all gathered our leaves together and talked about how the leaves changes colours. I  learnt that when the rain hits on the leave and when it just lies on the ground that's when it turns old. As we moved on we walked back. Everyone felt very tired and very hungry. As we all finished we were all ready to explore the botanical gardens. We walked across the bridge. I was spyhuntting to see if I could spot a eel and a fish. We were reading the sighns and looked at the vege garden. We saw lots of plants that we haven't seen before. We walked and went past the flower section. Hmm I hissed I could smell the refreshing flowers. We looked at the flowers slowly like we were moving like snails. Oho!!! I hogged out loud. It was purple, small and smelt like vanilla. We moved on to the children's garden. We all felt like running because we could hear most of the people saying " hey come through this tunnel ". I ran and my eyes just wanted to crack. We ran through the tunnel and the stair case. We went through the maze and ran to the water fountain. We were happy like millionaires. When we were lining up to go back we all played around and waited for the other classes to come. By the time we got on the bus we were all exhausted and happy. 


Anonymous said...

Well done Mere! I am amazed by your level of depth and describing words. Your paragraph is beautifully written. Just remember to read over your work and check your spelling before you publish, you have made a few minor spelling errors.

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