
Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Spelling - Sub

The subjects were on a mission to find the golden submarine that had been lost for centuries. The subway was packed with people as it was a parade. The temperature in the sea was sub zero so it made it hard to find it. The man’s subordinates were really tired of finding the golden submarine. A few minutes later everything was subdue.  Everyone was subcutaneous of each other. Then when they found the golden submarine they were really happy. Since it was so cold some people were subconscious. 

This is what my group and I did for spelling. We got given a root word and had to find words that started with that. Our word was Sub. We had to find words that meant under or below e.g: You can't do subject in learning case because the sub doesn't mean under or below. We then had to write a paragraph using 8 letters from our word wall. This was a really fun activity to do because it made me get the meaning in my head. 


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